prof picKatie. 24. NYC(ish).

I have a lot to say. I have thoughts. I have feels. I’ve read too much literary theory and a metric frick-ton of books, comics, and books specifically about comics.

I want to write more, in order to share more–and that’s why this blog now exists. I just have a lot to say about my favorite things in the world, and I want to know your thoughts, too. Posts will be based on articles I read, or what I’m reading, or what I’ve read in the past and see coming around again today. I invite you to tell me when you think I’m right, when you think I’m wrong, and why you think what you think. We may not always agree, and that’s fine.

So, go ahead–I can take it. Fight me.*

* Feel free to fight me on your choice of social media platform: Twitter | Tumblr

If you’re an agent (or an author who has an agent) working on a project having anything to do with superheroes, spies, royalty, sassy protagonists, the 80s, mysterious happenings, or smart magical realism, drop me a professional line at katie[at]pegasusbooks[dot]com.

I’m a Book Riot Comics contributor! If you’re interested in sending me review copies of books or comics, or if you just have something you want to say to my (virtual) face, try katielizmcguire[at]gmail[dot]com!

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